The Russian Rocket Pavel Bure is having his number 10 retired on Saturday, November 2, 2013 in Vancouver. When I think back on the great career of Pavel Bure one quote comes to mind "the NHL's most exciting player of all time". This is a bold statement and one that I stand by. His speed along with his moves...
The Chicago Blackhawks have started their title defense after winning the Stanley Cup last season. Winning the Cup might have come at a price for Blackhawks fans attending games. The average price for Chicago Blackhawks tickets last season on the secondary market was $199. The season started with a $314 average and has dropped slightly to $309. That’s a...
Happy Halloween to all of the Inside Edge Hockey News readers. Remember today is for kids to celebrate and have fun.
Be safe and have a spooktacular time!
Inside Edge Hockey News
The NHL knew it struck gold when it debuted the Winter Classic in 2008. Struggling to regain momentum after the 2004-2005 lockout that essentially lobotomized the league and isolated its fan base, the league landed on a gimmick that was near universally adored. Playing hockey so close to its roots -- on a large pond with snow on the...