As the NHL season winds down, fans get excited for what the Stanley Cup Playoffs will bring their team. Well, that is only the case for 16 lucky teams. The other 14 teams must look to the future and pray for a high draft pick. Now those bored fans can test their struggling teams draft lottery chances with the new NHL Lottery Simulator.
Rob Zaenglein has put this exciting little simulator together. It shows up to the minute draft lottery odds, and current standing points, but the best feature is the lottery pick button where you can press to select the top three picks. All selections are based of the accurate lottery percentages. It allows users to simulate a mock lottery taking into account the most up-to-date odds.
Test-drive the simulator at nhllotterysimulator
So, I ran the simulator five times as a little experiment – here are the results:
1 – Toronto 2 – Edmonton 3 – Winnipeg
1 – Buffalo 2- Toronto 3 – Calgary
1 – Toronto 2 – Vancouver 3 – Columbus
1 – Toronto 2 – Buffalo 3 – Edmonton
1 – Ottawa 2 – Calgary 3 – Edmonton
Based on my results it looks like it is good to be a Toronto Fan!

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