As I was looking through my son’s local hockey programs Facebook page last Saturday, I ran across this. It stopped me in my tracks. I started to feel bad. Earlier that day I had talked to my son about his play quality. It was not his best effort, or result. I told him to work harder, and make sure that he had a good week of practice. I told him to make sure next Saturdays game was much better. My son is six years old, and absolutely loves the game (which was my dream). He is actually a pretty good little player that I am extremely proud of.

After reading this I felt horrible. I had got after my son for a down day. What was I thinking? Had I taken into consideration that he had been staying with my parents playing with family the last couple days. Had I considered that he had been fighting a fever and cough off and on for the past week. Had I considered that it was a 9:00 am game. No, I took none of these things into consideration. I felt terrible, what was I thinking, he is a kid, who is playing this game for fun. Yep, fun!!! Why do so many parents forget what this game is about? Why do we tend to want to live out our dreams or failures through our kids? Why do we pressure our children to succeed in hockey, instead of encouraging them to work hard and have fun. Yes, HAVE FUN, that is why we take the kids to the rink? Right? I often wonder what youth hockey would be like if we dropped our kids off at the door, and let them go play on their own. I bet the kids would have more fun.
Although it made me feel bad, I was so glad to read this. It is amazing! Every coach and parent should have to read this every time we take our kids to the rink. It would remind us why we are taking them to the rink. These are kids, let them play the game they love and enjoy. Lets face it, the odds of having a child that makes the NHL is not very good. Let the great game of hockey be fun for our kids. Offer encouragement and teach them sportsmanship. Hockey is suppose to be fun.

Brad Burud the owner/editor of the Inside Edge Hockey News. I am a huge fan of hockey, from youth hockey, to junior hockey, and of course professional hockey. I have played, coached, worked as statistician, and watched hockey all of my life. Hockey is not just a game, it is a lifestyle and family. The game of hockey is great! It can bring you nights of great enjoyment. It also brings nights where you feel like your team will never win. I am proud to be a journalist for the greatest game in the world. I have a degree in Business Administration, Psychology from Minot State University. I also have a Hockey General Manager and Scouting, and Sports Communications/Journalism degree from Sports Management Worldwide. I am also a member of the Sports Executives Association. Most of all I am a fan. Hockey is a huge part of my life and my families life.